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This is the book the religious zealots and misogynist men don't want you to read 

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Secrets of the Woods, 
a brief, adventure and 
simple, mix into

feminine spirituality
by Li Oshon

I wanted to write a short book that introduces women to our own spirituality, that's simple and easy to read. 

I hoped to help empower myself and other women, in some way.

Secrets of the Woods is an eclectic glimpse at the Feminine Divine
A collection of poems, songs, tales, snippets of knowledge and wisdom,

(passed down from mother to daughter, woman to woman, through the ages).

With a brief look through time, at female spirituality and adversities to present day.
It touches on nurturing in nature, sacred secrets,
With simple meditations and affirmations

This is a brief, intuitive, kaleidoscope, of ancient and modern, truths and myths, introducing women's spirituality.

About Secrets of the Woods

A short book that introduces women to our own spirituality, that's simple and easy to read, yet deep and powerful. 

I hoped to help empower myself and other women, in some way.

Secrets of the Woods is an eclectic glimpse at the Feminine Divine
A collection of poems, songs, tales, snippets of knowledge and wisdom,

(passed down from mother to daughter, woman to woman, through the ages).

With a brief look through time, at female spirituality and adversities to present day.
It touches on nurturing in nature, sacred secrets, simple meditations and affirmations, the moon and its association with

sacred femininity, love and more..

This is a brief, intuitive, kaleidoscope, of ancient and modern, truths and myths, a journey into women's spirituality.

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This is a book the religious zealots and misogynist men don't want you to read 


"A delightful little read from a first-time author. A real joy" Kim - Women's Health

"Finally a book for women that's tells us the truth and helps us on a spiritual path"  Nurture U Loving

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